Monday, October 3, 2011

Urban Labyrinth

Vancouver Labyrinth on Spanish Banks -- Summer 2011 -- photo by Merrianne Couture

Walking a labyrinth is its own pleasure but has ancient origins. A contemplative state may be reached while following the maze on the path. The urban background in this instance mixes the old with the new. Change is inevitable and turbulent.The city highlights this complexity in its daily traffic of ideas and vehicles.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, to start, I like the personal note you left in reference to the picture. It is interesting but it is to me a labyrinth in it's own respect. The only confusion is between the moment captured and it's description. To me, a picture is meant to capture a moment so that the image taken tells a story. I just don't see the story in the frame. I can see here how this city, like most others has inevitably been shaped by a past which may have been terbulent, but where is this turbulence in the picture ? Is it in the sand's dimples, in the sky ? And why must change be so, why can it not be suttle ? More so, where is this maze you speak of if there should be one in the image ? I see nothing that would influence a contemplative state, no real labyrinth in which to lose myself, but beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder and so this might be a misinterpretation.
    On a technical note, I like the esthetic of this image. The framing for me is off, the tilted plane is disorienting and I think this plane shouldn't be so centered, but i like what is in the image. The concentric circles show me a pattern, a repetition, a metronome which could enduce a medetative state which you referred to. The lined of ground-water seeping through the sand brings the eye to the city and then the sky which is nice. I also like the matching colours in the sky and water which seem to work to bring the picture together, but this I think would be more apparent with the aforementioned framing adjustment.

    Thanks for reading my two cents, have a good day.
